Table of Quotes from Juror Interviews

Juror 3 Q:  Did you watched the video of the girls statements during your deliberations?   Y   N    Did it make a difference in the opinion of the group?

A:  Yes they watched all the videos -and said they watched videos that had not been shown during the trial something about the videos taken of  the social worker interviews.

Juror 4 Q:  Did you watched the video of the girls statements during your deliberations?   Y   N    Did it make a difference in the opinion of the group?

A:  Yes they watched the video and that it was a big deciding point for them

Q:  Was there anything specific that persuaded  ( you or the group)  in your decision.

A:  The girls video statements

Juror 7 Q:  Did you watched the video of the girls statements during your deliberations? Did it make a difference in the opinion of the group?

A:  Yes, Yes it did and she had not and the others had not made up their minds until they deliberated and they went back over the old videos

Juror 8 (foreperson) Q:  Did you watched the video of the girls statements during your deliberations?   Y   N    Did it make a difference in the opinion of the group?

A:  Yes they watched the video  and it was the main reason they found him guilty.

Q:  Was there anything specific that persuaded  ( you or the group)  in your decision.

A:  Yes the video of the girls was the one thing that made the decision and was a defining moment , the girls were very creditable.

Juror 10 Q:  Did you watched the video of the girls statements during your deliberations? Did it make a difference in the opinion of the group?

A:  Yes, They as a group had seen the videos that had helped to form their opinion